Not At Home Ireland

Not At Home Ireland
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Not At Home is a durational art piece by Emma Fraser and Grace Dyas which aims to highlight the struggles faced by those who find themselves in a position where they are forced to travel abroad for a safe abortion. It will be in NCAD in the Dublin Fringe Festival this September.

Between January 1980 and December 2014, at least 163,514 women were forced to travel abroad from Ireland in order to access safe abortion services. For many of those women, this can be one of the loneliest and most daunting experience of their life and one they are often shamed into not speaking about. Not At Home aims to give these women a voice and to connect them through their shared experiences. 

Abortion rights and the Repeal the Eighth campaign is something which is very close to our hearts at Nine Crows. One of our owners Emma is a co-author of Not At Home, and Nine Crows have been involved with the Repeal campaign from the very start. We had such a huge response from all of you when we started stocking the Repeal jumpers, so we know it's a cause that our readers and customers are very much supportive of.

We are sure that many of our customers are women who have already or may in the future find themselves in the position where they need to access abortion services. The fact that laws in our country prevent them from accessing this service safely and legally at home is absolutely unacceptable and something which needs to change. In order to do so, we need to continue the conversation that the Repeal campaign has started and make our voices heard.

Nine Crows is inviting our customers to share their stories with Not At Home. By sharing your story, you are helping to bring about social change regarding abortion. You can do so anonymously if this is what you're comfortable with. If you feel you want to share your story or even share our message you can do so at

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